Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween I'll add pics later

So for Halloween we had the idea as always to go cheap because we don't have much money so Keith decided to be a knight and he made his own costume... He did it so well with a little help from his grandma and his aunt Elaine... My husband is so talented. I was a peasant fairy with a sign that read will work magic for food... the problem was i wasn't good at magic that is why i lost my job... hahaha. So we went to our ward's trunk or treat and I was the photographer there and then we went to his aunt's for soup and bread bowls... Then we went to my in laws neighbors house and they hooked us up with 18 full size candy bars... All in all we had great costumes and a whole lot of fun... I sure love my husband...

1 comment:

Haylee said...

Hey Sarah! Cute costumes. We need to hang out soon. Go to scrapblog.com and you can make cute digital scrapbooks!